Monday, April 19, 2010

The Plan

I wonder what it sounded like inside Einsteins head. I wonder if it was always busy and noisy with dozens of ideas and epiphanies every moment of the day and night? I wonder where his place of brilliant ideas happened or was it moments. Did having a cold or allergies mellow the traffic? Not that I am saying I am Einstein, but my mind is always zooming. I find that most of my ideas come to me in the shower. I guess it is because there isn't any outside influences. On my way to Portland today I had a great idea. Right now Pepsi is giving money, like a grant, to people with ideas to help society. Well, I have a plan. I want to bring my rural communtiy together. I have always believed that people are too disconnected from their communities. Not many people really know their neighbors. My plan wont work for large cities, but I do think it would be ideal for small communities. My plan is to bring the community of Harney County together by feeding them. I want to have one day were everyone is invited to dinner. Every portion of the day will be free to all members of Harney County. It wouldn't be just about the food. It would be about coming together. There would be local entertainment. Games and activities for kids (they need to expend energy). There would be opportunities for local groups to raise some money through 100% optional donation. This would happen by having a place for people to donate if they choose to. For example: the LaCrosse team could wait tables and if someone wanted to donate to them they could drop something in a jar located at the end of the tables. These jars would be designated specifically for the LaCross team. 4-H groups could be incharge of helping people park their cars and have a general location for donations. There would be opportunties for a lot of groups to participate and opportunites for people to choose if they want to donate and to whom. There would be no pressure to donate or to purchase anything. There will be no vendors. No exchange of money for goods. This gives those who can afford to donate the opportunity and those who can't no pressure to spend what they don't have to spend. Everyone will be able to eat a good meal for free. The meal will be prepaired by people in the community, served by the community and consumbed by the community. People will be able to meet others and reunite with those they may have lost touch with. If this works for Harney County, I don't see why it couldn't spread to other rural communities. But, do you see why it would only work for small communities? A place like Portland is too unmanagable and expensive for such a project. Plus, large cities have many small groups to take care of them. Small communities get forgotten in the politics of the big city. It is time to remind others why rural is synonomous with tight nit. This plan would have to include all of the community to make it work. It is all inclusive and that is why it is such a great idea. Now I just need to get the initial funding to get the rest of the plan to play out.
I hope others are reading this blog. I would like to share the wealth of my mind to better the communities around me. Just call it an experiment in anthropology.

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